Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to Upgrade Backtrack 5 R2

Backtrack 5 R2 is the latest Backtrack version so if you has the older version of Backtrack, you must upgrade it. If you want to fresh install, you just download Backtrack 5 R2 but if you was install it on your machine and does not want waiting of the installation you can upgrade it. This is the tutorial:

1. Update and upgrade your BT5 (R1) installation:
apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get install beef reboot
2. Check the kernel. If you see some thing like “Linux bt 3.2.6 …” it mean the kernel upgrade is successful.
uname -a
3. Install the new tools of Backtrack 5 R2
apt-get install pipal findmyhash metasploit joomscan hashcat-gui golismero easy-creds pyrit sqlsus vega libhijack tlssled hash-identifier wol-e dirb reaver wce sslyze magictree nipper-ng rec-studio hotpatch xspy arduino rebind horst watobo patator thc-ssl-dos redfang findmyhash killerbee goofile bt-audit bluelog extundelete se-toolkit casefile sucrack dpscan dnschef
4. Add the new security updates repository to /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb revolution main microverse non-free testing" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
5. Update and upgrade the repository
apt-get updateapt-get dist-upgrade
6. You have Backtrack 5 R2 now


  1. I have bt5 r2 installed as dual boot but I would like to upgrade it to bt5 r5. What is the best way to carry out the update? Should I delete the partitions and start fresh? I would rather update my existing install.

  2. So I should just delete the existing partitions and then do a fresh install with the install script?

    1. Yes, install it on your old Backtrack partition. Be careful choosing the partition if you dual boot it
