Thursday, January 8, 2015

Kali Linux for Professionals Only

Just before you decide to use the Kali Linux, you have to make sure that you are very much familiar with the Linux system itself. This particular type of Linux distribution is designed especially for people who are professionals in the field of penetration testing or digital forensics. This particular type of Linux distribution is made out of the BackTrack Linux which is the previous version of Linux for the need of penetration testing. Thus any of you who have never been using Linux, especially BackTrack would find a bit of difficulties in using this new Linux distribution. Learning to use the BackTrack first before using this Linux Kali would be very much recommended.

Kali Linux for Professionals OnlyThere are a couple of changes that are made on the Kali Linux that makes it very suitable for professionals in the field of penetration testing. First change is that there is a single user root feature available on this Linux distribution. This feature would allow user to get the best security access in using this Linux distribution since only single user root is permitted. Second change there is an upstream custom Linux kernel on this Linux distribution. This Linux custom kernel could be patched to be used for a wireless injection. The third change is that there is an automated feature that disables any network services on your computer at the time you are using this particular distribution of Linux. This will prevent such automatic updates or download to be occurred on your computer that might disturb the use of this Linux distribution. Those three features are available on this particular Linux distribution that would only suitable for professionals or experts. Since this is dealing with such security matters in the field of penetration testing, inexperienced users are not recommended to use Kali Linux for it may cause such damages and also consequences.

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